26 September, 2012

GP Race Manager. Drivers market

Just a small update on the GP Race Manager (Android/linux/windows) F1 style management game.  Today I've added the ability to browse and see all the drivers in the game. This will eventually be the way that new drivers can be signed.

I'll probably change the look in the final version, such as having two columns and nice graphics behind each box. But, for now the most important thing is getting the basics working.  I've also set the screens to show the players teams colours, these are stored in the data files.

The screenshots below show:
  1. The driver browser on a mobile screen
  2. The driver browser on a PC screen.
  3. The current driver details screen that appears when a driver is selected.


  1. Thank you/gracias/merci for your patience. Now, I must continue to be positive and finish this monster of a game. :-)


still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...