23 September, 2012

GP Race Manager: Resolutions

The following images show the how I'm designing the GUI/layout of the screens relative to the size of the screen and resolution of the device.  Because a PC screen is completely different to an Android mobile phone.

It does add more work to each screen, to make sure buttons and text appear in the right place on different size screens, but it will be worth the effort.

Yes, it needs a lot of work in all aspects such as better looking buttons/graphics, but I'll leave that until the end of the project.

800x600 window

320x480 resolution

480x320 resolution

As you can see, while I'm not working on this project 100% yet, my focus is on getting all the screens to display the correct data.  Although, the OK and left and right buttons work, I'll only start working on functionality and the race engine after I've completed mission: infiltrate.

Any suggestions welcome...

Finally, if anyone wants to become part of the development testing team, where I send you the PC version of the game after every development update, please leave a message (although initial versions wont have any real functionality).

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still alive..

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