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10 September, 2012

Overhead shooter game. Today's Progress

As shown in the screenshot below. I've made some progress in the the game-play area of the game.   Now, in the editor the objectives can be setup, for example:
1: go to computer to turn off laser.
2: pick up security pass.
Currently the objectives are marked with a small red square as shown in the screenshot below, but I'll probably remove this for more difficulty.  Also, I've started to define all the different objects, such as the laser sets off the alarm (and will later alert the guards).

I've also made a list on a piece of A4 paper of all the tasks I need to do, divided into appropriate headings, such as 'Enemies' and 'Game Play' and then tasks that need to be done and are important to the game, and in a different colour other tasks that I'd like to add once the important tasks have been finished.  

Hopefully, this will allow me to concentrate on the core gameplay tasks that need to be done first.  And then I can think about adding cool features, such as lines/cones of sight for the guards.

I still don't have a name for this game.  any ideas?

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