30 September, 2012

GP Race Manager. Slowly getting to where I was previously.

As mentioned before, my full attention isn't currently on my F1 management game, so I'm only working on it a couple of hours a week, and only doing small things.

But, I'm slowly getting to the stage of development where I was the previous time I attempted to make a Formula 1 management game.  But, it's a lot easier going this time, because I still remember freshly how I did things in the previous project, so for the moment, while I haven't started programming the actual race day engine, I don't have to think HOW I'm going to program a certain feature. Also, again as mentioned before, I'm only using one programming language to program the game for Android and PC (Windows and Linux) called processing, although I do miss programming in BlitzMax, which is great for making PC games.

Anyway, today, I have implemented some buttons that allow you to resign your drivers for next year or sack him (although, they will be improved in the future).
Also, I've added the third or test driver to each team, these updates can be seen in the screenshot below, which shows the game running on an Android mobile.

Finally, I've found a couple (not many) images of Ferrari and Toyota F1 cars which are royalty free.  One is shown in the screenshot of the game running on a linux PC below:

29 September, 2012

mission: infiltrate. Motivation and finally fixing that problem.

Sometimes, if your stuck on a particularly piece of code in a project, it's good to leave it and have a rest from it for a few days (as long as you make yourself come back to it).  For me, when I have a problem that I can't solve, either, by myself or via the Internet, it really affects my motivation, and that has been the reason that I've never finished a game that's more than hangman or a 5 minute diversion.

I've just had one of those problems for more than a week.  I'd been having problems with the enemies 'line of sight' and stopping him seeing the player through walls and solid objects, depending on the angle he was looking.

 If my past habits where to go by, mission: infiltrate would be dead.   I didn't want to touch the problem or even go near the game for ten days.  But, today, I forced myself to sit-down and try and fix the problem.  Well, what I actually did this time was remove ALL of the code that I was having problems with and tried to rewrite the function from scratch (although, it did take me 3 times to get it right).

The feeling I got when I could see and knew that I only had to change one more line of code to get the whole thing to work was fantastic.  "Great, the project is back on!" I said to myself.

What did I do different?
In the past, when I was in a situation like this, I would have just switched off the development environment and not opened it at all this would eventually lead to the death of the project.  

This time, I turned my attention of setting up the basics of my next project after mission: infiltrate, GP Race Manager(as posted about in this blog), that kept me in the programming frame of mind.  Also, I didn't leave the mission: infiltrate project completely closed.  Every day, I'd open it just to remember where I am, and also I've worked on some other areas of the game, that aren't really related to the game-play, such as menu's or adding new objects to the game.

As well as fixing the line of sight problem, I've also added that the screen starts to go red, little by little, when you are hit by bullets.  Also, for the PC version, the right mouse button is now the shoot button, as the shoot button at the bottom of the screen is designed for android touch-screens.  Screenshot:

28 September, 2012

GP Race Manager. Garage Screen

Today, in my restarted project GP Race Manager, I started to do the R&D

As shown in the screenshots below, currently you can:
  • Set the budget of how much money goes into R&D
  • View the quality of each part.
  • Click the parts to get the designers to start trying to improve that area of the car.
Eventually I'd like to improve this screen, maybe have a graphical representation for each part and also be able to set how much resources go onto next years.

Current screen on an Android mobile phone:

Current screen on a PC running Linux:

26 September, 2012

GP Race Manager. Drivers market

Just a small update on the GP Race Manager (Android/linux/windows) F1 style management game.  Today I've added the ability to browse and see all the drivers in the game. This will eventually be the way that new drivers can be signed.

I'll probably change the look in the final version, such as having two columns and nice graphics behind each box. But, for now the most important thing is getting the basics working.  I've also set the screens to show the players teams colours, these are stored in the data files.

The screenshots below show:
  1. The driver browser on a mobile screen
  2. The driver browser on a PC screen.
  3. The current driver details screen that appears when a driver is selected.

25 September, 2012

mission:infiltrate. More small updates..

What's new?

The mission select screen has been slightly improved, showing which missions are available.  I'm still not sure what I'm going to put in the boxes though.

A green health bar has been added at the bottom (it's graphic needs improving though).  Also, a health pack has been added.

When the player, the mission failed screen appears. A mission successful screen also appears if the player completes the objects.

Also, on a minor note, bullets now pass over low height objects such as tables.

24 September, 2012

Mission: Infiltrate update

Today, for my 2D topdown shooter 'Mission: Infiltrate' I've added the start of a pre-mission briefing screen where the player will find out there objects. Obviously I'll try and make it look better at another daye.
 Also, I've made some progress on the enemies line of sight, with them not seeing through walls, but it still needs a lot of improvement and I'd like to come back to it.

23 September, 2012

GP Race Manager: Resolutions

The following images show the how I'm designing the GUI/layout of the screens relative to the size of the screen and resolution of the device.  Because a PC screen is completely different to an Android mobile phone.

It does add more work to each screen, to make sure buttons and text appear in the right place on different size screens, but it will be worth the effort.

Yes, it needs a lot of work in all aspects such as better looking buttons/graphics, but I'll leave that until the end of the project.

800x600 window

320x480 resolution

480x320 resolution

As you can see, while I'm not working on this project 100% yet, my focus is on getting all the screens to display the correct data.  Although, the OK and left and right buttons work, I'll only start working on functionality and the race engine after I've completed mission: infiltrate.

Any suggestions welcome...

Finally, if anyone wants to become part of the development testing team, where I send you the PC version of the game after every development update, please leave a message (although initial versions wont have any real functionality).

GP Race Manager: The Rebirth

In March/April I started making a F1 management game for Android , Linux and Windows systems (called GP Race Manager - here and here ).  But, I was using two seperate programming languages, Basic4Android for the android version and blitzMax for the PC version.  But, this was too much as they are completely different development tools (As well my opinion that b4a, not being up to the task of a management game) and I was writing two different versions of the same code.   The game was put on hold and I started other projects.

But now, I've restarted the game.  I'm using one language to make the game (processing) and the Linux/Windows PC version will be identical to the Android version, except for the screen layout.   This is because I think the buttons for a touchscreen Android device (mobile phones, tablets)  need to be different to a mouse driven device such as a PC or laptop.

My main focus will be to try and finish the other game (mission: infiltrate) as talked about on this blog, but occasionally when need a break from mission: infiltrate, I will do a little work on GP Race Manager.  And when I've finished mission: infiltrate I'll turn my full attention to GP Race Manager.

Progress: Version 0.1
Basic navigation system setup(buttons, different 'screens').
Loads data about teams, drivers and engines.
Can select a team.


mission: infiltrate. Slow progress this wek.

This week I haven't made a lot of progress on my 2D topdown shooter game, Mission: Infiltrate because I've been busy in my personal life.  But I'm still determined to try and finish this game.

Not much to report on progress, but, since last time, the enemies now start to move towards the player if they see him and stop when they reach a solid object.  Also, I've added reloading to the enemies weapons and have added some new objects to the game, such as first aid kit, and cupboards (where ammo and things could be found).

I've also started to put screenshots of all games in development here:

18 September, 2012

mission: infiltrate. minor update

Just a minor update.

Today, I've given nearly every object/enemy a health level, so when shot the level will go down until it reaches 0 and is destroyed.

I've also been trying to improve the game performance for lower powered android phones, by removing unnecessary loops and checks in the code.  The device I'm testing the Android version on is a Samsung Galaxy Ace, which is a low-mid range phone and it's running quite well on it.

16 September, 2012

mission infiltrate: One Room or lots of little rooms?

The screenshot below shows a new map being made in the level editor. (I'm going to add more objects to the game in the future to make is look less 'bare').

But one thing I'm still thinking about is whether to make one room levels like the one above (as this is turning more into an arcade shooter at the moment) or to have a level made up from lots of little rooms, which could mean very big levels overall while not using up as much resources/processing power on the phones.

However having a mission compromising of lots of little connected rooms would add a lot more time onto the development of the project because I'd have to change  both the level editor and the game.  Currently as said it's very easy to make a level like the one above (if anyone wants to make a level, please contact me below). 

mission: infiltrate - enemies cone of sight

Here it is, the beginning of a working cone of sight, obviously from the screenshot, a future fix will to make it that the guards can't see through walls.

If the player does walk into their cone of sight (or their view/sight range), they are set to the alert mode 'kill' as discussed before.

Still hoping to finish this action/stealth game for Android phones/tablets by the end of this month, but it will be tight.  And then I'll try and optimize it for Linux and Windows PC's because the current basic control system works best on a touch screen, so for PC's I'm thinking of introducing keyboard control.

After this game, my plans continue to be to restart my Android F1 management game and also make a small space shooter game.

13 September, 2012

mission: infiltrate. The Start of enemies.

Today, I've started the difficult part of the game, the enemies.

Right now I've got the enemies being set to 'kill' if the player walks near them.
Currently, when an enemy is set to kill, he just turns to look at the player and shoots at him.  This has been implemented today (as shown in the screenshot below):

Eventually, the guards will follow the player, and will only be set to alert or 'kill' mode if the player enters their line/cone of sight.

I've also fixed some bugs such as an incompatibility between the editor and the game that messed up the players starting position and the initial screen 'offset'.

Finally, I fixed a problem with the size of the 'level select screen' where the mission boxes/buttons weren't adjusting properly to the different screen sizes.  This can be seen in the two screenshots below, which show two different resolutions (one for PC and another which is a typical android screen size).  Obviously, it needs more work to make it look more visually appealing, such as images for the different levels.  But that will be left for the end of the development stage.

11 September, 2012

mission infiltrate: Video Update.

I've made a lot of progress in terms of what makes the actual game today.

As shown in the video below, the game is now playable and the level is winnable, in that completing the objectives (in this case finding secret documents and secret plans)  let's you finish the level when you reach the escape/exit point.

Also, the computers now turn off the alarm for the lasers, and you need to get the correct security key card to be able to go through certain doors.
Also, messages are now shown to the player in terms of what's happened at each 'action' point.

 I've also added a temporary title screen and basic level/mission select screen. Although I still need to improve these and add mission briefing/debriefing screens.

shooter game: a possible title?

I've been thinking of a title for my game and currently like:

mission: infiltrate

I've been creating a menu system that I can use in all of my games for the future and have a basic setup working for the game, which allows you to select the level or 'mission'.

Here's the current title screen, (it may well change in the future):

Tell me what you think.

10 September, 2012

Overhead shooter game. Today's Progress

As shown in the screenshot below. I've made some progress in the the game-play area of the game.   Now, in the editor the objectives can be setup, for example:
1: go to computer to turn off laser.
2: pick up security pass.
Currently the objectives are marked with a small red square as shown in the screenshot below, but I'll probably remove this for more difficulty.  Also, I've started to define all the different objects, such as the laser sets off the alarm (and will later alert the guards).

I've also made a list on a piece of A4 paper of all the tasks I need to do, divided into appropriate headings, such as 'Enemies' and 'Game Play' and then tasks that need to be done and are important to the game, and in a different colour other tasks that I'd like to add once the important tasks have been finished.  

Hopefully, this will allow me to concentrate on the core gameplay tasks that need to be done first.  And then I can think about adding cool features, such as lines/cones of sight for the guards.

I still don't have a name for this game.  any ideas?

09 September, 2012

Concept Picture

No, I haven't stopped and canceled another game mid-development.  I just had an idea for a type of game I'd like to make for mobiles, and drew a rough concept image to help me visualize it.  I'm not sure whether I'll make this game and not sure whether it would be a small strategy or action game.

I'll finally have time to get back to work on my games and my overhead shooter.
I've decided that it will be more action orientated (although I'd like to make a 2D Metal Gear Solid style game in the future).

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...