12 January, 2012

Hangman, nearly finished!

I've nearly finished my first game. It's a version of hangman for learners of the English language. It hasn't been the most taxing of projects, but it has been a nice little project to help me learn my way around creating simple educational games for Android. And another thing it's a finished game, which has been one thing I haven't achieved before.

The game features different selectable subjects, such as animals, sports, countries, from where the words are randomly selected. Also, it has the option for the user to use Google's translate application to translate the word into their own language.

I still have to improve the look of it a little more and also add some more word lists, but tomorrow I hope to upload it to the Android Market place. I'm not sure of the price I'll give it, but I'll keep you updated on my progress.

After it's published, I hope to add regular updates, such as a new word lists every so often. (ideally weekly or fortnightly). I also hope to add a score, so the user can keep track of their progress in each subject and also difficulty levels.

Screenshots of current progress (95%):


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still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...