03 February, 2009

Motivation of a Bedroom Programmer

I don't know what it is with me and motivation. It's true I enjoy programming games (even though I've never finished a game post-Klick & Play days). Secondly, I enjoy the code style and instant environments of BlitzMax and PureBasic, where I can run and test anything I have just written in an instant. Also, once I get started on a days work I ussualy don't stop for hours.

But that's the problem, getting started, sometimes I have found myself opening up the development environment, but then proceeding to not do any work. with the programs up in the background for hours. Until, now sometimes I have spent a couple of days in a row either programming or learning, however other times I have seen myself not touch my projects for days at a time.

I guess the problem with being a so called 'bedroom programmer, is the lack of deadlines, the lack of someone constantly nagging me to finish or asking on my progress.

However, there are some things that I have noticed that motivate me. The biggest one is when someone shows interest in my project, I've only mentioned it in small talk, but from people who are in the education business of teaching English to foreigners (or locals over here in Spain), they think that it could do well, and I've even been offered some possible testing and selling opportunities.

Also, I'm really motivated when I search on the Internet for other independent programmers, who have gone on to sell there game or games, and on some websites there are sales statistics, (one example being Game Producer), from which even the lower sales are motivating. Even though I am aiming high (and this might come back for me to regret saying it) but I wouldn't mind even if I sold only one game every two days, because I just want to get it finished and see it in use, and it will provide a big learning experience for me and my future projects, which I will document in this blog.

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still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...