12 March, 2012

Back to work again. Pixeloids update.

Finally, I've been able to return to my third game for Android mobile phones, Pixeloids It's taken a month (two weeks without a computer), but I'm finally nearly there. I've added two game modes (Survival mode; where you try to survive as long as possible, until your final Pixeloid is dead, and Time Attack; where you have to save as many Pixeloids as possible in 60 seconds). Also, I´ve implemented a highscore system for each mode, Finally, I've added performance settings, so users with faster tablets or mobiles can play with more Pixeloids on the screen (upto 400), while users of slower phones can reduce the amount. So nearly there.
I just need to add sound, improve the graphics and interface a little. But, I probably won't get much time to program until Saturday.

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still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...