28 April, 2010

update. linux and enemies begin.

I got back to working on the game again today, and have begun the daunting journey of programming the enemies and objects.

But, for today's progress, the game now loads the enemies and objects from the level file created with the level-editor. Also, I've given gravity to the objects and enemies so they will fall if they walk of the side of a building.

I've also done some basic movement for the enemies (Well, actually they just walk to any building ledge, and then turn round and walk until they're at the other side. and so on.)

Finally, compiled the early development version for Linux, so you can keep up-to date with my progress, and I also want for people to test that it works.

You can download the windows and linux versions here.

Please tell me of any speed problems, or if they even work.

17 April, 2010

Level Editor Version 0.2b

Today, I've returned to working on the level editor. In that to be able to reach my first goal of finishing a single level, I'll need to add enemies and objects to the game, (and having this completed will also be a motivational thing for me to0).

So, today I've spent four hours working on the level editor, and have added a nice little menu that opens up so the user can change between adding the level tiles, (which build up the world in 32x32 blocks) and adding enemies and objects.

I did have a bit of a 'Damn it!' moment when I couldn't figure out why when loading a level it wouldn't load the objects, because I'd forgot to read the part of the level's file that tells the editor how many objects there are, so I wasted some time here, until I suddenly realized what was missing when I was eating a sandwich.

I have actually been putting this of for a while, as I wasn't looking forward to getting back into the messy code of the editor and adding all this. But, I guess it's a big relief to have it done.

11 April, 2010

Only a tiny bit of progress

Well I've been back at the game today, well only for an hour. I've finally fixed a stupid and basic little bug that meant the player wouldn't fall all the way down if he fell or the player moved him to close to a building on his left.

I've also tried to create my very first worklog or tasklist, so I can see what needs to be done, it's not very professional, and I will need to add a lot more to it, but you can see it here: http://sionco.110mb.com/worklog.html.

10 April, 2010

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at http://sionco.blogspot.com/.
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I've started creating a new about section on the website, Even though I've just started, I hope to include may details of games I've tried to make during my childhood and early teens, such as eh-oh Bebo (who's 'telly-tubby like' recorded voice pestered my parents many times) and Military Bananas 1,2,3,4,5,6.

I have got back to game programming, and returned to BlitzMax for the time being, I'm thinking that I don't think I'l release mobile versions of my games at first, so I can concentrate on getting the game done, without worrying about scaling, memory, resizing, etc. But I will re-access this when I've finished the game.

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...