09 February, 2010

Player Movement/collision

Ok, I've started creating the player movements and collision detection today.
It's been a bit of trial and error, as I've never created a platform game before (well except in gamemaker or klick & play).

I've spent a few hours working on this and had some hair-pulling moments such as working out the stupid errors I had made in my code that meant either the player sometimes was half in a wall, or on some blocks the player floated just above the ground when walking and others he walked perfectly. But, I managed to solve these (hopefully)

As for now, the player now moves left, right, jumps and falls down if he walks of the side of a block or building. The code for this is pretty basic, but it works okay for the moment, and I'll come back to it at another time and improve it and also add new movements.

I'm very happy with my switch to glbasic at the moment, and the movement I've programmed is a lot better than the movement I managed on blitzmax in about the same time.

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still alive..

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