Since the last post, I've only got back to working on my games today and have been working on Grand Prix Hero.
I've now got the computer cars to follow the checkpoints exactly, and all face the correct way! Obviously, I'll want to make their movement feel more natural, but I'd like to work on other parts of the game first.
This is not my first time trying to make a racing game.
The first one was in Klick & Play when I was 13 or 14, where 2 player controlled cars would race around a small circuit that fitted inside the screen.
I then 3 attempts using Blitzmax (screenshots below), although at the time my programming skills were far too low for an ambitious project like this:
An early blitzmax game (2006?). I managed to create a level editor, but I gave-up after not being able to get the computer car movement correct.
I even did an expirement with a 3D game last year in BlitzMax. I made the circuit myself and was quite pleased, even though the feel of the circuit (and look) felt like driving on ice. I gave up after realising my 3D modelling and texturing skills weren't up to the job.
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