25 February, 2013

Grand Prix Hero. Follow the leader

Since the last post, I've only got back to working on my games today and have been working on Grand Prix Hero.

I've now got the computer cars to follow the checkpoints exactly, and all face the correct way!  Obviously, I'll want to make their movement feel more natural, but I'd like to work on other parts of the game first.

This is not my first time trying to make a racing game.  
The first one was in Klick & Play when I was 13 or 14, where 2 player controlled cars would race around a small circuit that fitted inside the screen.

I then 3 attempts using Blitzmax (screenshots below), although at the time my programming skills were far too low for an ambitious project like this:

An early blitzmax game (2006?).  I managed to create a level editor, but I gave-up after not being able to get the computer car movement correct.

I even did an expirement with a 3D game last year in BlitzMax.  I made the circuit myself and was quite pleased, even though the feel of the circuit (and look) felt like driving on ice.  I gave up after realising my 3D modelling and texturing skills weren't up to the job.

19 February, 2013

Grand Prix Hero. They Move!

After a weekend rest, I'm back working on my games.
Today, I've worked on Grand Prix Hero for two hours.  

The computer cars now move around the circuit, following the checkpoints, although I haven't sorted out the computer cars rotation yet.

17 February, 2013


Over at the monkey forums.  I found this link https://bdsc.webapps.blackberry.com/android/bpaa/https://bdsc.webapps.blackberry.com/android/bpaa/ which packages Android games for the Blackberry PlayBook and BlackBerry 10 OS.  I will have to give it a try and report my findings.

15 February, 2013

website down

My website is down for 24 hours, due to 'high MySQL server load" (ie the forum) that's the problem with having a forum on a free host.

I might have to suspend the forum. I will have a think about it.

14 February, 2013

Grand Prix Hero Progress

Grand Prix is a 2D 1960's F1 based overhead racing game that I've just started making as my secondary project, (Grand Prix Super Manager is my main project).

Yesterday, I added the grid positions to the editor and the game, and added the computer cars to the game. Although, they are not perfectly lined-up yet (as shown in the screenshots below) I'm happy with my progress.  I've also added checkpoints to the editor and game, although the computer cars don't follow them as of yet.

The game can be played at different zoom levels, although, I'm currently not sure if I'll keep them both or select one of them:

12 February, 2013

Start Screens (GP Hero and Grand Prix Super Manager)

The current start screen for Grand Prix Super Manager

and a ' classic F1 poster' type image that I'm thinking of using for Grand Prix Hero

11 February, 2013

Still alive. Update. Two F1 Games

I'm still alive.

Since my last post, I hadn't done much work on any games until this last week.  I'm working on two games, Grand Prix Super Manager, which is a F1 management game for Android, PC, flash and also Grand Prix Hero a top-down 2D classic F1 racing game...

Main Project Update: Grand Prix Super Manager

I restarted (GPSM) my F1 management game last month, and have started working on it again.  To be honest, I'm not going to make any promises about when it will be finished.  All I can say is that it will be finished when it's finished. whether it takes a month or a few months.

All screens will be redesigned, and I'll be focusing on the Grand Prix weekend simulation first, as that is the part that stopped me in the past, and once that is finished, I'll just have the easier parts to do.

Here are some screenshots:

The beginnings of the Pre Race Press Screen, where you can select how much promotional work you want your drivers to do.  Hopefully this will be more interactive eventually.

The team select screen.  I'll eventually include more detail and maybe graphics and make the HRT team editable, but for now it works and is functional.

The current state of the Grand Prix weekend session screen which I'm currently focusing my efforts.  It will eventually look better, but I just want to get this monster finished first.

Second Project:  Grand Prix Hero
I'm also working on a small 1960's F1 racing game called Grand Prix Hero.  Hopefully it should be available for Android mobiles and on the internet via flash.
Right now, I have the beginnings of a basic track editor, and also in the game you can drive a car around the track.  

The current state of the game.(Graphics are temporary)

The current state of the track editor.

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...