08 November, 2012

One step back, two steps forward (hopefully)

I've was working in my real job last week, so I didn't have anytime to update the game.

But this week I'm back to work.

I've completely changed how the different screens or sections (such as drivers screen, R&D screen) are setup by making the code more modular and this has also saved a nice of bit of memory when the game runs.

The theme of the game is now easily editable so I can easily change the colours or GUI in the future, if I think they need improving.

Also, I'm now started to redo the R&D in the game. Changes and Ideas:
  • There are now 9 different parts that can be improved.
  • You will be able to set how much of the budget is for this years car and how much for next years.
  • For both this years parts and next years, you can set how conservative or radical you want to be with design.  A conservative approach means steady progress depending on the budget and team size.  A radical approach means a bit more of a gamble, in that the new part/car may turn out to be a massive improvement or simply may just not work.
  • an improvement in reliability comes with either going to test sessions or taking part in each session in a Grand Prix weekend.  So there will be more failures at the start of a season.   (I'm also considering small improvements in reliability depending on the technical facilities a team has, but this is only a maybe).
I'm still considering how to show all this data, but the current R&D screen is here (but as always, it'll probably change sometime before I 'hopefully' finish this project)

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still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...