28 November, 2012

small update: Season results

As mentioned before, I'm still busy with my real life job, so I'm only able to work on the game for a little time each week until Christmas.  But, even though development has slowed for the mean time, it does allow me to work on and complete the little parts of the game.

Today, I've added a basic season race-by-race table to the stats screen:

One thing I need to do, is to sort the drivers who haven't scored points by the results and also add the points to this screen.

14 November, 2012

Small Update. 8 Engines

Just a small update, to show that I'm still working on this in my free time.
And also, I'm trying to plan how the race works properly and better than my previous plan which would have only given a Grand Prix weekend experience.

I'm trying to incorporate different factors in my game depending on things such as the budget and F1 rules, to give the player more decisions to make.  This time I've added the maximum 8 engines that can be used during a season, the player can see the condition of each engine and select which one to use before the next Grand Prix.

I'm not to happy with the layout, but I'll come back to that.
In the future I'll also add other rules such as for gearboxes.

11 November, 2012

GP Super Manager home screen update

I've been playing with many different ideas for the home screen, some displaying a lot of data from the game and some more simple.  Anyway, for the time being I've decided to use the following style for the Android version (whether I'll also use this for the Windows and Linux PC version is still undecided).  The colours and theme could change in the future, but for now I'm happy with the layout.

08 November, 2012

One step back, two steps forward (hopefully)

I've was working in my real job last week, so I didn't have anytime to update the game.

But this week I'm back to work.

I've completely changed how the different screens or sections (such as drivers screen, R&D screen) are setup by making the code more modular and this has also saved a nice of bit of memory when the game runs.

The theme of the game is now easily editable so I can easily change the colours or GUI in the future, if I think they need improving.

Also, I'm now started to redo the R&D in the game. Changes and Ideas:
  • There are now 9 different parts that can be improved.
  • You will be able to set how much of the budget is for this years car and how much for next years.
  • For both this years parts and next years, you can set how conservative or radical you want to be with design.  A conservative approach means steady progress depending on the budget and team size.  A radical approach means a bit more of a gamble, in that the new part/car may turn out to be a massive improvement or simply may just not work.
  • an improvement in reliability comes with either going to test sessions or taking part in each session in a Grand Prix weekend.  So there will be more failures at the start of a season.   (I'm also considering small improvements in reliability depending on the technical facilities a team has, but this is only a maybe).
I'm still considering how to show all this data, but the current R&D screen is here (but as always, it'll probably change sometime before I 'hopefully' finish this project)

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...