27 August, 2012

Android Spy/Shooter Game Rebirth, day 3

Above is a photo of what the game looks like at the moment, I've tested it on two Android phones with different resolutions and it's working fine so far (touch wood). 

In the demo level I've created above (artwork will be improved), you can see a bit of how a level will play out.  The player has to go into the room at the top, where there are computers and find the right one to switch of the laser.  The laser blocks the entrance to the room at the bottom which has a desk with an ID card that will open the doors in the small room to the right which leads to the exit.

I'm still undecided on whether the game will be more about stealth or just full on action. 

26 August, 2012

Android Spy/Shooter Game Rebirth, Day 2.

This weekend I'm still not at home, so I haven't got a great deal done on my overhead shooter game.  But today I've added collisions with objects and the beginning of the bullets class, and tried to make an organized list of what needs to be done.

24 August, 2012

End of summer. Back to Work

After mentioned in the previous post, I haven't been able to do any programming over the last two months because of work and family commitments.

But, today I've got back to work, I've gone over and restarted the overhead shooter/spy game for Android using processing.org

I've redone collisions with the tilemap and setup the starting position of the player properly as defined in the level editor.

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...