25 March, 2011

Fourth Day (Planning)

Today, I haven't done that much work on the game.
I've used most of the day planning, as I still haven't decided definitely what the 7 games on each planet will be about or if this first version will mostly be just about vocabulary.

The only new part to the game, was setting up a new empty level ready for the next mini-game to be started next week.

18 March, 2011

Third Day

Well, Yes I did miss one week of development due to personal commitments. But this Friday (my only real free day that I can work on the project) I have completed the first game, the memory game, where the user has to find two similar cards (one with the English word on it and the other with a picture of the object or subject).

I'm fairly pleased, as this game is ready to be used across the different planets, and just needs the graphics to be inserted for each planet, and a score system (which I'll implement across the whole game).

I'm even considering releasing a version of this game on it's own as a resource for teachers of the English language, with as many different vocabulary subjects as possible.

04 March, 2011

Second Day

So, Friday is definitely my coding day, as it's the day I have free.

Today, I've been working more on the navigation from area to area.

I've included the current progress as screenshots below.

The user can select which planet they want to enter (such as number planet or animal planet) and then from there they can select which game they want. The red buttons will eventually be replaced with a nice picture for each game type (Well all the graphics will be replaced, as to increase productivity, I've just included the quickest graphics I could draw).

I've also started the first game which will be a 'memory' card game, where the user has to find pairs of objects from a set of cards. It isn't complete yet, but at least it's a start. If I can get at least one game completed a week, I think that will be good progress.

I'm looking for someone to do the cartoon graphics for my game, so leave me a message if you can.

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...