16 April, 2013

Sheep Sim, Afternoon 3

Wow, I'm not far from finishing my sheep simulation game (called: Sheep!).  I'm trying to fight feature creep (which is when you keep adding little new things to a game and therefore it's never finished).


New graphics for each sheep state, such as eating, walking, falling in love. I've also added a new watering animation.

In the game you can now sell sheep, and get a price depending on their age.  Also, you can get two sheep to fall in love and make a baby lamb.  

Two screenshots of the updates:

15 April, 2013

Sheep : The Sheep Sim Game - Day 2

Today, I've continued working on 'Sheep' a simulation game about keeping a flock of sheep alive and healthy.
I've added a button in the corner of the game, which when clicked brings up a side bar with various buttons that can affect the game.  The only button that currently has any functionality is the first one which allows you to water patches of grass to bring them back to life when after the sheep have eaten all of the grass in the patch.   However, the water costs money, so can't be used all the time.


11 April, 2013

Sheep, The start of a small game.

Today, I've started making a casual game for Android / Flash about a flock of sheep.
In the game you control a flock of sheep, you must keep them fed by keeping the grass under them green, stop predators, get your sheep to reproduce and sell them for meat before they grow too old.

Here are some screenshots of my current progress:

The current title screen
I'm still not too sure on the title, I'm also thinking of 'SimSheep' or 'The Life of Sheep'

The game screen.
The following screen shows what happens when the sheep eat the grass, it starts do die and become barren, this will be represented by different coloured squares on the field.

Hopefully, I can finish this game within a week. So, keep checking back for updates.

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...