28 February, 2011

Learn English Educational Game Diary

Just a quick update.

In the first 3 hours.
I've starting creating the basic navigation system of the game.

version 0.01
-Created basic program structure.
-I've got a simple menu at the top of the screen for exiting the game, and returning to the main screen.
-I've created the navigation for entering the different themed sections (Currently they are badly drawn planets, such as number planet, colour planet, animal planet, etc..)

27 February, 2011

New Start. New Game. A Project for 2011

Announcing: Project 2011

Today, I've decided to make an educational video game for young foreign learners of the English language.

The game will have different themed sections (such as a section on colour, a section on animals, numbers, etc..) and within each section there will be various fun games for children to play and learn.

About 2 years ago I did actually start making an identical game called 'Learn & Play' (as seen in the games section on my website) but it never got completed due to my lack of programming knowledge at the time, I've put it available to download on my website, although it is a bit of gamble of which games in which planets work, and which ones don't.

As for the new game, It will use none of the code from the old game (because basically, it was a mess and full of simple mistakes. Even though I'll keep it at the moment while I'm starting-out, I'm not sure if I'll keep the space theme for the final game.

My ultimate aim is to be able to sell this game.

Here are a few small screenshots of the OLD ORIGINAL game:

25 February, 2011

Return of the dead

Wow, It's been a hectic few months with my work and moving around.
But as of today, I'm back to programming, with a new game development environment and set-up.

Today, I've mostly been playing around with my three unfinished games from last year,( a racing game, platform game, and a educational game)

Today, I've been mostly trying to work out what certain parts of the code do (TIP: Everybody say's it, but commenting your code is one of the best things you can do)

I'm still undecided of which game to continue, or whether to start a new one. But I'll keep you posted.

still alive..

I'm still alive. Currently considering whether to continue the racing game in 3D with monkey or change to Unity3D (which I've been ...